So last night after dinner I went to turn off the oven light and everything started flickering and then went out, then we saw the entire sky light up outside our kitchen window. We look outside and can't see anything. So i suggest we look out the front of our apartment. We look to the left, nothing there just a few people standing outside looking around. We look to the right and Daniel says "uh, we gotta go." I just get a glimpse of flames before we start stumbling around the house in the dark trying to find coats and shoes and pack Rocky up, knock on our neighbors door and out we go. We've decided these pictures and video don't really do it justice to how scary it was, but that pole is about five feet from our bedroom window. And that brand new Kia that is getting smothered in flames down below? That's where we usually park. By the time we got outside the firefighters had just got there and were just standing around watching it. They had called the electric company on emergency response but after 35 minutes of standing outside we went to our friends house and they still hadn't arrived. Luckily we had power again by the morning. Of course it happened on the coldest day we've had this winter. Needless to say I didn't really sleep last night due to my intense fire-phobia but gladly we're all safe and sound.
PS Thanks to Katie and Aaron for keeping us warm!
PPS Yesterday when I was blogging I felt like I didn't really have anything that exciting to blog about. Be careful what you wish for.