Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1 month!

Yesterday was our one month anniversary! Since it was MLK day, I didn't have to go to work so we got to spend the day sleeping in and being lazy. We met Pete and Sarah at IKEA in the afternoon, then went out to eat at a yummy Brazilian steakhouse way out of our price range (thank you wedding guests!). It blew Tucano's out of the water but we are still suffering the consequences of some nasty stomachaches from all that meat! We went to Max Brenner after and split a delicious sundae. It was nice to go out and pretend we have money! We would have taken pictures but apparently lights are a commodity among restaurants in the city, we could barely see each other over dessert! It's crazy that we've been married for a month - it still doesn't feel real to me. It's been an insane few weeks trying to get used to living together and the stresses of school and Daniel trying to find a job, but its so nice to wake up every morning to each other and realize every night when we go to bed that we love each other even more than we did the night before!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for both of you. Being married to your best friend and someone who loves you more than air is pure joy!! I love you guys!!!!
