Saturday, June 11, 2011


So I finished reading the 'eat' section of '' today and am absolutely dying to go to Italy!!! The food, the art, the people, the romance, the beauty. I'm determined if I ever get to go, which I have got to accept will probably not be til I'm like 50, I'm making a vow to gain weight while I'm there. That won't be too hard by then. All the talk about food food food just had me salivating while I was reading. I refused to read on in the book about India and decided to have an italian day in celebration. I made homemade bruschetta, split a cannoli and a napolean with daniel (from the best pastry shop ever that I discovered one day just from the delicious smell coming from it . . . no joke it was like the scent of heaven), and rented 'The Tourist'. I'm pretty sure it should be illegal to have Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, and Italy all in the same movie. They're just too dang good looking. Well until the day I can finally get there, I will have to satisfy myself with plenty of time in the italian market area of south philly and stuffing myself with breads, pastries, and pastas!

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