Tuesday, April 10, 2012

our little rockster

So to be honest I get a little annoyed when people have blogs or instagrams and ONLY ever post pictures of their babies.  Kids I can handle, they do cute stuff - but babies? when they're just sitting there in the same position with different outfits on? Get's a little boring.  And how about a picture of you with the baby every once in awhile? I realized however that I am dangerously close to becoming one of those people with our cat Rocky.  I'm pretty sure I could take pictures of him all day and make an entire blog with just him.  Which is probably ten times more annoying to people than the baby blogs. We had Rocky declawed a week and a half ago and he was extra snuggly on his painkiller after surgery which led to extra picture taking.  So here is a post dedicated (mostly) to our little boy.  There's some human pics at the end for those of you who don't like cats.

Rocky loves his peeps!
Second best thing next to waking up next to Daniel? Waking up next to this little guy
He came back from the vet with fleas which led to his first bath (not to get rid of the fleas but to wash off the apparently toxic flea treatment we gave him. stupid walmart)
He fell off this ledge several times today because he's so fat.
Daniel and I on the way to dinner
Can't get enough of this kid
Dakotah's new little brother! So teeny!
On our way to easter dinner
Daniel and I during cocktail hour at one of my classmate's weddings - gotta love those Shirley Temples!
Some of my classmates.  That's my soulmate Trish on the far left.
Our last Phillies game :(