Saturday, July 30, 2011

woohoo for living cheap!

we stayed within our budget this month so how did we celebrate - buying more food of course! we went out for ice cream at our fave, franklin fountain, last night with some friends (and got caught in a good old summer rainstorm). today we went to chipotle for lunch - we love LOVE chipotle and decided that every month we don't go over, we will reward ourselves with it (this motivation will no doubt work wonders for Daniel). then we walked around main st. in manayunk. there were some fun and crazy little shops there. i was again in search for the perfect cupcake and again sorely disappointed with sweet elizabeth's cakes. i had a "sweet e's" cupcake, chocolate chip cake with strawberry buttercream icing. sounds delicious, right? once again, my mouth watering was barely satisfied. the cake was extremely thick and the frosting too light and airy. is it too much to ask for a delicious, melt in your mouth cupcake with rich creamy frosting? is it ridiculous how much i analyze each cupcake i eat in philadelphia? for anyone on the search, as far as i know it would be worth it to travel to dc or new york for some georgetown cupcakes or crumbs. they offer perfectly rich, put you in a sugar coma cupcakes. stay far far away from naked chocolate cafe, flying monkey, sweet elizabeth's, philly cupcake, fresh grocer, fresh market bakery (at least the cupcake portion of these places). there are still a few places to try here in philly but my hopes are getting very dim. i apologize if you don't understand the importance of a cupcake and have had to read this (you're in good company with my husband). although my tastebuds are not satisfied, i am very grateful that the weather cooled down ever so slightly enough for me and daniel to leave the apartment and explore more of our beautiful city.
i love this man

this is the biggest burrito they've ever made me

at least the cupcake was still pretty to look at . . .

a cute little apartment complex in manayunk

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